Monday, October 20, 2008

Assignment # 5

Improved Tags:








1. The news i posted above. The old ones were SCSU, presidents, millercenter, library, scsu-archives. I thought the new ones were more descriptive for the photo.

2. I do not use another photos hosting service, the only thing i do i facebook which i put photos on but i dont use flickr or anything else besides this class assignments.

3. Yes i upload photos to my facebook acount. In flickr you can tag all sorts of ways but in facebook you can only tag who is in the photo. Plus facebook is only friends can see your photos and flickr everyone is able to see them if you say so.

4. I perfer having my photos private. I rather not have anyone and everyone see what i do and they dont need to know everything about my life!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Assignment # 4

1. I think that this bookmarking thing is ok. I am not sure if i would continue to use it. Yea it is helpful but at the same time i like to keep things the same. So i am not sure if i will continue to use it or not.
2. I could use this tool for classes because it would make it easier to jump from site to site. Or when doing a research project or something i have the source or website on hand.
3. Some of the benefits of this site is that it helps me and other people easily jump from site to site and also keep track of each website. You can tag them so when you are trying to find a site you can easily look up what you are looking for. For example lets say i am doing a project on womens rights, and i already booked marked some websites in my social bookmarking page and now i am coming back to it and i look up womens rights, cuz that is what i tagged them under and they will pop right up. Its easier then scrolling through them all!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Assignment #3

1. I like that i can always stay up to date with the news cast. It is pretty easy to use

2. Yes i think i could use it in my presonal life if i was more into news related things like cnn or yahoo and so on.

3. looking on cnn and technorati was pretty easy too!